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Omniverse Audio2Face

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Omniverse Audio2Face is a game-changing tool that enables users to effortlessly animate a 3D character to any voice-over. With a preloaded 3D character model, Audio2Face uses a pre-trained Deep Neural Network to drive the 3D vertices of the character mesh in real-time, effectively creating facial animation with ease. Additionally, this powerful application includes a feature to retarget to any 3D human or human-esque face, allowing for versatility and control over multiple characters in a scene. Emotion is also customizable with an AI network, making it perfect for high-quality production. Furthermore, Audio2Face offers blendshape conversion and blendweight export options, and supports export-import with Blendshapes for Blender and Epic Games Unreal Engine to generate motion for your characters. Upgrade your animation game with Omniverse Audio2Face!