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Introducing Originality.AI - the revolutionary plagiarism and AI detection tool created specifically for web publishers. With advanced features such as team management, scan history by user, and auto-billing, Originality.AI streamlines the content creation process while maintaining integrity and quality. Our state-of-the-art AI writing detection tool identifies content generated by popular AI writing tools like GPT-3, GPT-2, GPT-NEO, and GPT-J, providing you with a score from 0-100 on the likelihood that the content was produced by an AI writing tool. For added convenience, our full site scan feature (coming soon) will allow users to scan an entire website for plagiarism and AI-generated content. And the best part? Originality.AI is available at an unbeatable low price of $0.01 per 100 words per scan, with automatic billing. Ensure your content is always authentic and original with Originality.AI.