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Say hello to ChatGPT, your personal AI assistant designed to make your everyday life easier! With easy access via popular messaging apps like Telegram, LINE and Viber, ChatGPT can answer any question on any topic, provide customized recommendations, language translations, and so much more. What sets ChatGPT apart is its unique feature that allows you to switch between various personas, including Chef, Motivational Coach, Poet, Rapper, Social Media Manager, Stand-up Comedian, Storyteller, Personal Trainer, and Travel Planner, to best meet your needs. ChatGPT is also incredibly user-friendly. It remembers conversation history for a few hours, so you can pick up where you left off. Plus, it can be used in Telegram groups with up to 50 members. Ready to give ChatGPT a try? Sign up now for a free trial period and enjoy all its amazing features. After that, a small monthly subscription fee of $10 ensures that ChatGPT is always by your side, ready to assist you at any time.